Just For Clarity

I just have the need to clarify some roles and positions in this society that is quite mind bobbling.

You are NOT a stay at home mom if you’re at home looking for a job……… You’re unemployed!
You’re NOT working from home if all you do is chores!!

You are only single if YOU are refusing to date; not if dates are refusing you!!!
Procrastination  is for persons who has something to do; if you really don’t have anything to do, chances are you’re just lazy!!

Staying in a bad relationship is not because  of  lack of self-esteem and confidence; chances are you have perfected the art of lying. You have been doing it to yourself and others.

We all have power, whether it is staying power, reviving power, deciding power the only problem is we all apply it to the wrong suitation in our lives.

And that’s the Truth. Peace.

Published by thetruth200blog

I am dedicated to a cause. I will defend the rights of others.

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